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[closed] Technical information section

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:53 am
by CRider
I find the "Technical information" in the Details window a bit cumbersome.
The credits for AlpineQuest is already displayed nicely in the bottom right and I don't find the web link really useful (a Google search can always find the information).
Why not just add the version number of AQ in the bottom right info and get rid of this section ?
It will simplify the Details window.
Best regards.

Re: Technical information section

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:51 pm
by Psyberia-Support
The technical part of the details panel differs from the copyright notice in the way that it concerns the file itself, not the software used to display the info.
Of course for .trk files you'll mostly see AlpineQuest as a creator, but for GPX file it can be any application.
This information make sense, however I agree that it's not always needed to display it.
Maybe a good solution would be to make some sections "hiddeable" (like the technical info and file info) and hidden by default, and expendable if needed...

Re: Technical information section

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:44 pm
by CRider
AlpineQuest wrote:The technical part of the details panel differs from the copyright notice in the way that it concerns the file itself, not the software used to display the info. Of course for .trk files you'll mostly see AlpineQuest as a creator, but for GPX file it can be any application.
OK, I see.
AlpineQuest wrote:Maybe a good solution would be to make some sections "hiddeable" (like the technical info and file info) and hidden by default, and expendable if needed...
That's a very good idea. I'll buy it :-)
Best regards.