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[closed] GPX edit outside AQ - don't sync to inside AQ

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[closed] GPX edit outside AQ - don't sync to inside AQ

Post by rac »


I recorded a track, saved it in gpx format and clear it.

I open the track in "Explore Landmarks" menu and display it. I find a fake segment on the track with just one point. I though to remove this segment by editing the gpx file in ES Explorer. In "Displayed Landmarks" I remove all open tracks.

Without exiting the AQ: I remove the fake segment in ES Explorer. I reopen the gpx file in AQ and display the track, but the supposed "removed" segment stills there. :( I confirmed in ES that the gpx file was ok.

I exit from AQ and launch it again. When I reopen the gpx file in AQ, all was OK. No fake segment there.

I think that maybe AQ makes some information cache that prevents the sync of the external modified gpx file when reopened in AQ without exiting AlpineQuest.

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Re: GPX edit outside AQ - don't sync to inside AQ

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Yes you're right the data is cached, so GPX files (and other stuff) are not loaded and reloaded if selected multiple times. Once the data is no more used, it's cleared from memory.
Files that are "opened" (cached) have a small yellow sun icon displayed over the file icon in the Landmarks Explorer.
As long as the file is cached, AQ won't see the changes made outside, so it's really recommended not to edit files currently opened in AlpineQuest (it's generally a bad idea to open the same file in two editors).

However, note that you can edit almost everything from GPX files within AlpineQuest, including removing segment:
- long press a track and select "Browse";
- long press a segment and select "Delete".

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Re: GPX edit outside AQ - don't sync to inside AQ

Post by rac »


Thanks for the explanation about AQ cache behavior and for your tips about
editing inside AQ ( I didn't know them :P).

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