[closed] AQ 1.4.5 - some "minor" improvements
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:27 pm
Thanks for another great release of AQ -- 1.4.5
There is always some things that we ( users ) wish to see in
AQ and to work in a "little" different way.
These suggestions would certainly improve the application
and the number of happy users with it, although increases the code complexity and implies additional work.
Concerning AQ 1.4.5, I will make some comments/suggestions about some
old and new features (some of them suggested by me at
and marked as planned for 1.4.5 release. So, I am assuming they were
made and included in AQ 1.4.5)
I) At "Location Tracker" panel
1) As said in "Summary list of suggested features" post
It will be nice to see more live information here (this
information must be actualized at every "location" acquired):
(for example)
Length (it is OK)
Total time ( it is OK) Average Speed ( it is OK)
Moving time Moving Av. Speed
Elevation (Geoid) Min/Max Gain/Loss
ETA distance ETA Time
2) on "track information window" (after touching plot)
i) in statistics (filtered values): the number of locations is
lower than total ones. Why?
This is for all statistics values or only for the plot?
ii) when I touch plot I can change the X, and Ys quantities,
but they are reseted to the default ones (Y-elevation,
X-distance, Y1- speed) when I exit to the "Location Tracker
panel". Why don't the selected quantities remain to be
followed in the live plot?
iii) the Ys axis scale is not always suitable to follow the
evolution of the quantities (principally for elevation). Why not
use, for example, Max + (10 % or 15 %) x Max for upper scale range (similar for lower scale limit)?
B) On the map display, as I already have suggested in my other post, I
would like to see information about "real" moving time and "real"
average velocity. I think, this can be easily inserted in the tracker
information box.
C) "Store Area" -- Off-line Maps
A really nice feature. Thanks.
However, the zoom level doesn't say much to me. I also don't
understand the little red line on the "bar" that follows the Map name.
Don't you think it will be useful to have a small scale (like that
in the map workspace) to show/clarify the selected zoom level?
As said in "Summary list of suggested features" post
was thinking in something like this:
I import to AQ a track named X, downloaded from wikiloc, GPSIes, or a
previous saved track. I select in AQ to follow the X track ( a
collection of location points). I select a target (one of the "location
points" from X track). I start recording my track and I am following X
track. Maybe AQ based on GPS accuracy and location points can alert
de user if distance to the track X is greater than a specified
threshold. I would like to have the information of "real distance to
travel (following X track) to target point" - based on the information
from track X and "estimated time to arrival to target point" using the
"real distance" and the average speed of the current recording track.
(this, I think is similar to following a route to some destination)
I hope I have been clear in my suggestions!
Best regards
There is always some things that we ( users ) wish to see in
AQ and to work in a "little" different way.
These suggestions would certainly improve the application
and the number of happy users with it, although increases the code complexity and implies additional work.
Concerning AQ 1.4.5, I will make some comments/suggestions about some
old and new features (some of them suggested by me at
and marked as planned for 1.4.5 release. So, I am assuming they were
made and included in AQ 1.4.5)
I) At "Location Tracker" panel
1) As said in "Summary list of suggested features" post
More information in the tracker window (by Rac here) planned
for 1.4.5
It will be nice to see more live information here (this
information must be actualized at every "location" acquired):
(for example)
Length (it is OK)
Total time ( it is OK) Average Speed ( it is OK)
Moving time Moving Av. Speed
Elevation (Geoid) Min/Max Gain/Loss
ETA distance ETA Time
2) on "track information window" (after touching plot)
i) in statistics (filtered values): the number of locations is
lower than total ones. Why?
This is for all statistics values or only for the plot?
ii) when I touch plot I can change the X, and Ys quantities,
but they are reseted to the default ones (Y-elevation,
X-distance, Y1- speed) when I exit to the "Location Tracker
panel". Why don't the selected quantities remain to be
followed in the live plot?
iii) the Ys axis scale is not always suitable to follow the
evolution of the quantities (principally for elevation). Why not
use, for example, Max + (10 % or 15 %) x Max for upper scale range (similar for lower scale limit)?
B) On the map display, as I already have suggested in my other post, I
would like to see information about "real" moving time and "real"
average velocity. I think, this can be easily inserted in the tracker
information box.
C) "Store Area" -- Off-line Maps
A really nice feature. Thanks.
However, the zoom level doesn't say much to me. I also don't
understand the little red line on the "bar" that follows the Map name.
Don't you think it will be useful to have a small scale (like that
in the map workspace) to show/clarify the selected zoom level?
As said in "Summary list of suggested features" post
When, in my other post, I suggest ETA to a waypoint (target point), IETA on a waypoint based on current speed (by Rac here) planned for
was thinking in something like this:
I import to AQ a track named X, downloaded from wikiloc, GPSIes, or a
previous saved track. I select in AQ to follow the X track ( a
collection of location points). I select a target (one of the "location
points" from X track). I start recording my track and I am following X
track. Maybe AQ based on GPS accuracy and location points can alert
de user if distance to the track X is greater than a specified
threshold. I would like to have the information of "real distance to
travel (following X track) to target point" - based on the information
from track X and "estimated time to arrival to target point" using the
"real distance" and the average speed of the current recording track.
(this, I think is similar to following a route to some destination)
I hope I have been clear in my suggestions!
Best regards