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[closed] saved offline maps

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:35 am
by evie0110
I'm running into issues with downloading maps for offline use and hope someone can help- I selected an area and successfully downloaded and used, all good so far. Then I selected a second area and I can now no longer access the first offline.

What I'm trying to do is download the detailed view for a couple of cities, without needing to have that level of detail and so save storage space, for all the places between them. Is this possible?

I'm using a Google nexus 4 so have no SD card I can store things on.

Re: saved offline maps

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:37 am
by Psyberia-Support
Yes you can do what you're trying to do. You can cumulate as many areas as you want, overlapping areas are detected and won't be re-downloaded.
Concerning your issue, it's very strange that your previously area is no more available. Unless you've manually cleared the stored data, everything is kept locally and is never deleted.
To check if an area is correctly stored, you can activate the airplane mode of your device to close all connections, and display the area again. If it's stored, the map is displayed, otherwise the area will be white with the message "you are offline".
Let me know if it's not clear and can't manage to store an area,
Best regards

Re: saved offline maps

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:42 pm
by geoffram
I have a similar issue but as a new user would welcome any comments. I could not find any way to display a previously stored map once I had stored a second one - and indeed no way to name a stored map so as to call it up later. Then I realised that named landmarks from the previous map were still listed. On clicking one of these, hey presto! the previous map appeared with the landmarks showing. Is this the only way to find stored maps - via their landmarks? If so this is very poorly documented.

Re: saved offline maps

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:58 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your interest in AlpineQuest,
First, landmarks and maps are two different concepts. Landmarks are displayed independently of the used maps. You can add them, hide them or delete them (see Landmarks menu -> "Displayed landmark").

Stored maps are not maps themselves, they are, as named, stored areas. You select a map, store any area you want for offline use. If you want, you select another map and store the same or a different area.
Stored area are not saved in separate files that you can name. AlpineQuest is not a map creator like MOBAC.

However stored areas will remain available when offline, just like an on-board map. It's true that you won't have a clear boundary of what has been stored and what not. If you need this, you can create your maps with MOBAC and use them with AlpineQuest.

You can check the storage size for each maps using the maps explorer: Maps -> Explorer maps.

Finally, there is an online help that explain all this quite clearly:

Best regards