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[closed] AlpineQuest GPS Hiking vs All-In-One Offline Maps

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:21 pm
by ds47uk
I have spotted that you have what I assume is a new(ish) Psyberia App (All-in-One Offline Maps) and I was wondering how you are going to develop the two apps

AiO seems to be more or less the same as AQ but without the location tracker (or am I missing something). I currently use AQ largely with offline maps - specifically layering current OSGB maps with some scanned and converted old versions of the same area, and was wondering whether AiO has any functionality not present in AQ.

Re: AlpineQuest GPS Hiking vs All-In-One Offline Maps

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:36 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes you're right there is now another application called All-In-One OfflineMaps which is very similar to AlpineQuest.
OfflineMaps has been created from offline maps features of AlpineQuest, in order to only be a mapping application. The goal is to be make AlpineQuest more specialized for outdoor activities, and keeping OfflineMaps only for mapping purpose.
The split has been done recently, and right now both applications are very similar. But it's very likely that AlpineQuest will always include all features of OfflineMaps.
In a way, we can see AlpineQuest as being an outdoor activities application built on top of OfflineMaps.
Hope it's clear, let us know is you have any feedback about that.
Rest regards