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[done] AQ 1.4.1 Feedback - Fast access to URL of landmarks

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:47 am
by Yemble
Thanks for improving URL access, however, I feel that there is still some work to be done ;)

If you remember, my goal is to display routes on the map by activating the URL (file://...) feature of an associated landmark, which is effectively acting as the route start point. In Memory-Map on the PC, this is done simply by double-clicking on the icon, which then displays the route immediately on the map.

What you have implemented (so far), has reduced the number of taps, to achieve what MM can do with a double-click, from six to four. Still three taps too many IMHO :-)

I would still argue that a held tap on the icon would be the best way to implement this.

Please let me know if you require some test data (I have around 5000 GPX route files).

Re: AQ 4.1 Feedback - Fast access to URL of landmarks

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:22 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes I agree that it's still not as simple that in MM.
My feeling on this feature is that I really would like to avoid map shortcuts like long-click or double-click. The reason is to avoid activating/starting things by inadvertence. Users are likely to press the map to move it, and it's very difficult (if not impossible) to know if the user is trying to move the map slowly, or long-pressing something. It would be very annoying (and incomprehensible) if the app starts to open links or files whereas the user just wanted to scroll the map.
Concerning the double-click on the map, it's already used to zoom in.

However I really would like to do something to improve this feature. I think it can be done in 3 or even 2 clicks, that would be good isn't? :D
The first click on the map is for selecting the waypoint and displaying it's menu, like it's currently done.
The second click is to select "Open URL", still like now.
At this point, I think that asking the user what to do with the selected GPX file would be the better thing. In the current version, the file is opened and its content displayed, whereas you would better like to see its contents displayed. So we could have a menu "GPX File" with 2 options: "Browse content" or "Display content". That would be the 3rd click. However, we could have a setting in the AlpineQuest preferences to avoid this last click, like "Opening file action": 'always ask', 'browse content' or 'display content'.
I think that this solution would be nice for most users.
Let me know what you think about it.

Re: AQ 4.1 Feedback - Fast access to URL of landmarks

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:27 pm
by Yemble
Yes, the combination of a global setting and the additional Display Content option would be a good compromise - two clicks is so much better than the original six :-)

Thanks for explaining about why you don't like long taps. It's not how I tend to use the screen, but I can appreciated that other users may hold with one finger whilst zooming with another.

Re: AQ 1.4.1 Feedback - Fast access to URL of landmarks

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:45 pm
by Psyberia-Support
This feature is now available in version 1.4.2.
Best regards