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[closed] Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:24 pm
by Guest
First, I want congratulate you for your excellent apllication.
I bought AlpineQuest GPS Hiking. I am using it and I am very pleased with it.
However are some sugestions/improvements I want to make if you allow me.
1) I would like to have the possibility to load at once more than a gpx file in "Explore Landmarks".
2) On "Displayed Landmark" it will be nice if each track have one check box to hide/show the track on the map (faster than removing it and later load it again) and a box with current track color where we quickly can change the color track.
3) In "Track details" - chart profile, when selecting "time" for X-axis would be nice to be possible to select "distance" in Y-axis. In this workspace it also be great if we have above graph profile a board with "live" information (elevation, actual speed, moving time, total time, average speed) [Detailed information will remains acessible by touching on graph]
4) On map display and when recording a track I would like to see some litle more track statistics, like moving time and moving average velocity. Current velocity, total track time and distance are already shown (track info and localization info), but it will be great if all this information are displayed together, perhaps in the track info.
5) A question (or not): I have a gpx file with a track and some waypoints. I want to follow the track and would like to have information, distance and time (based on my average speed and real distance from track information to the waypoint) to the next waypoint (not to next track point). Is it this possible?
Hoping you continue doing the good job.
Best Regards
PS: sorry for my poor English
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:42 am
by Psyberia-Support
Hi Rac and thanks a lot for your feedback.
I like your suggestions:
1) Can do it for sure.
2) That's planned and will be done quite soon (
see here).
3) Why not having distance as Y... I never thought about that, I'll have a look if it can be done quite easily.
Concerning the information, what do you mean by "live"? Do you mean the stats that are given in the main details, or something dependant to the current selected point on the graph?
4) Moving time and velocity are available from the track's details, but I can also add it in the tracker state;
5) Right now it's not possible. But that could be a nice improvement.
I have updated the
wanted features list with your suggestions.
Thanks again
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:39 pm
by rac
Thanks for your quick answer and for finding useful the sugestions I made.
Concerning point 3), what I mean is this:
When selecting "Location Tracker" menu, it could show a board with information (same information - elevation, actual speed, moving time, total time, average speed, etc ) that is also displayed in map view workspace). This board could be located above the graph profile. Detailed information about the track will remain acessible by touching on graph. Information on the board and the graph profile must be actualized as we move.
I have one more question. How come speed in charts, when time is on X-axis, didnt't fall abruptly to zero when I pause track recording ? What I see is a almost linear decrease between the instant I pause the recording and the instant when I restart recording.
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:01 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Ok thanks for the explanation. That would be nice.
Concerning the graphic, the reason is that speed values (like all other data) are computed on each locations only.
On the last location before your stop, you had a speed, say 10km/h (based on this last location and the previous one). So the last graph point before your stop is on 10km/h.
Then, the next speed is computed on the first location after you restart. If you stopped one hour, and this next location is close to the last one, the computed speed will be very low (something like 0.01km/h). A break will be detected lasting the time between these two last points. Also, the graph line will move on this new and very low value close to 0km/h.
That's why you have a line decreasing from your last speed to 0, and not an abrupt stop. There is no other location between them, doesn't drop to anything.
I agree that it's not visually very pleasant, these particular cases could be detected and drawn differently...
I hope that my explanation clear. Let me know if not!
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:05 pm
by rac
OK. Thanks for the explanation.
It's a small detail.
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:43 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
Version 1.4.1 is available and has the ability to:
1) Load all GPX files in a folder at once;
2) Use time and distance as Y axis in the graphics.
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:12 pm
by rac
Thanks for the improvements that you introduced in version 1.4.1 and 1.4.2.
As usual a good job.
However I would like to point some minor things:
1) concerning point 1 of my first post , I can't reproduce the "1) Load all GPX files in a folder at once;" you stated in your last post. What I can do is browse a folder with several landmark gpx files in it, but I still have to select the ones (one at a time) that I want to display. It will be nice if browsed landmarks have a checkbox to select the ones to display (open)
2) as I mention in point 2 of my first post it will be very nice to have at 'display landmark workspace' a second box (the other is to show/hide the landmark) for each open landmark with it current color and where if it is selected we could easily modify the displayed color.
3) I sugest also a pool with different colors to be automatically atributed to open landmark tracks, to easily differentiate between them.
Thanks in advance
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:08 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
For 1), you can actually load all the files in a row: you have to click on the icon of the "GPX Files" category (or long-press the category). Sorry for not making it clear, I know it's hard to find...
Concerning the color features, I haven't forgot them... However:
- I'll try the color button, but I would rather add an entry "Edit color" in the context menu displayed when clicking on the landmark icon, since changing the color is not an action usually done many times...
- It would be good to improve the color picker, and add the pool to it, so users could select some pre-defined colors quickly.
Thanks again for your feedback
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:35 am
by rac
Thanks for the answer. I managed to found the option to load in a row all the files inside a folder.
However, I keep on thinking that it will give a lot of more freedom and versatility to allow the user to choose (by a checkbox, for example) the files he want to load. Perhaps it will be needed to create new buttons to "Load" and "Cancel" the selections.
About the box with landmark (track) color in "Landmark View panel" beyond the quick access to color change that I have pointed, it is very useful to easily identify the tracks in the map ("map panel" and "Landmark View panel" side by side).
I have a last question. After I save (export) and clear a track there is any way to re-export (save) it in another format (after re-load the saved file of course)?
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:23 am
by Psyberia-Support
rac wrote:However, I keep on thinking that it will give a lot of more freedom and versatility to allow the user to choose (by a checkbox, for example)
Yes I completely agree, and the multi-selection has already been asked for various operations, the only thing is that it requires much more work and there is so many important features already waiting that I won't be able to do it soon...
About the box with landmark (track) color in "Landmark View panel" beyond the quick access to color change that I have pointed, it is very useful to easily identify the tracks in the map
Yes you're right. Note that I have recently added a color circle on the landmarks icons to preview the color of the displayed landmarks (the yellow circle on the 'UK' waypoints set, first screen shot), but I'll try the color button.
Concerning your last question, you can convert all landmarks to the AlpineQuest format or to the GPX landmarks. You have to use the copy/past feature, as explained here: ... gpx_format
Let me know if you have any issue.
Best regards
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:01 pm
by rac
Ok. Thanks for the explanations.
I look forward to the next releases.
Re: Some sugestions/improvements
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:39 pm
by Psyberia-Support
I have released the version 1.4.3 with an improved color chooser (including pre-defined colors), and a new menu entry 'Edit colors' available when selecting a landmark from the map, the displayed landmarks panel or the Landmarks Explorer (if the selected landmark supports color).
Best regards