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[done] Direct Access to Landmark URL / Rapid Route Display

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:26 pm
by Yemble
Following on from my URL query in another thread...

It would great to be able to action the URL field within a landmark by a long press on the landmark icon, rather than having to go via the landmark details.

If the URL is a web page, then this should be displayed within a borwser.
If the URL is a GPX file, then AQ should import it and then display the contents on the map directly. This would be a fantastic way of quickly displaying a route (file) that is associated with a landmark, via the URL field.

I realise that not everyone would appreciate the accidental activation of a browser, so maybe an option to turn this feature on and off should be included.

Also, it would be nice if tapping a displayed route, on any section between two waypoints, would display the Action menu, since this is an intuive thing to do if you want to set a Target.

Re: Direct Access to Landmark URL / Rapid Route Display

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 4:28 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi again,
I plan to refresh the menu displayed when selecting a waypoint on the map. I'll take this suggestion into account. That's true that when an URL is present, it might be interesting to be able to open it quite easily.

Re: Direct Access to Landmark URL / Rapid Route Display

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:41 pm
by Psyberia-Support
This feature is now available in version 1.4.2.
Best regards