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Map Centre Point and Rotational Access

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:53 pm
by Yemble
Sometimes I like to display a topo map in my car, rather than TomTom, especially when I know where I'm going... besides provides a good opportunity to keep the phone battery charged up. So, I tried AQ out on my journey home from work this evening and had an idea...

First, I prefer not to run AQ in Full Screen mode in the car, as I like to have fast access to the status bar, as and if required. I noticed that the map centre point remains centred to the screen, rather than the map. This is particularly noticeable in landscape orientation, where the centre point is noticeably above the map centre. I think that I would be better to always centre on the displayed map, rather than the entire screen.

This brings me onto my main suggestion...

In Memory-Map (both PC and PDA versions), the map axis point can be moved off-centre, by dragging the map around the screen. The axis point stays where you put it and the map moves around that point. This is useful in the car when seeing what's coming is of more importance than seeing has already passed, ie. you would move the axis point down on the map, by dragging the map upwards.

In AQ, a similar concept could be implemented with a held tap and drag on the cross-hair. A double tap on the cross-hair would return it to the centre point. The new cross-hair position would then act as the rotational axis for the map.

Does this sound like a good idea?

Re: Map Centre Point and Rotational Access

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:12 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Yes you're right it could be a good and useful feature.
I'll will try to include it in the next update.

Concerning your remark about the full screen mode, here is a small tip: I don't know if you have noticed it but if you press the main AlpineQuest menu item while in full screen, it displays the status bar. I use it a lot to check few things like the GPS state or to access incoming texts quickly.

Best regards

Re: Map Centre Point and Rotational Access

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:53 pm
by Yemble
Yes, I am aware of the three state menu toggle, but it is a little fiddly when driving.