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[done] Search for UTM/NAD27

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[done] Search for UTM/NAD27

Post by weasel »

Thanks so much for adding the UTM/NAD27 Datum format to Alpine Quest. I've purchased the app and began using it in ernest to replace my aging Garmin handheld GPS. I had one major problem when trying to use the application. I could not manually enter waypoints in using the "Search" feature by putting in UTM/NAD27 coordinates. My only options for UTM were WGS84/NAD83. It would be really helpful if we could enter UTM/NAD27 coordinates, as most of the printed USGS Topo maps out there are in the NAD27 datum, and I have a whole stockpile of them I still use. Thanks.
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Re: Search for UTM/NAD27

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for your feedback!
I have added the ability to search UTM/NAD27 coordinates. It will be available in the next version.
Best regards
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Re: Search for UTM/NAD27

Post by Psyberia-Support »

This feature is now available.
Best regards
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