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[closed] 3 remarks

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:07 am
by henryk
I am a relatively long time & happy user of the software, but there are three problems I would like to point out:

1. the current track and the track loaded from the card should by default to have different colours; the blue & blue is terribly irritating.
2. the changes to ui are ok, but certain basic functions are currently buried deeper than in the previous version. Namely, you need 3 presses in order
to lock & unlock position on the map in contrast to two presses in the old version,
3. the current version is drawing my current track much slower than the previous version. My phone is unmodified Nexus S with ICS.

All these 3 things are in a sense trivial, you can live with them, but they are unfortunately bad for road safety. In particular 3 - I use AlpineQuest mostly on bicycle and have to make fast decisions. Waiting for the update of the track is really scary :)

Re: 3 remarks

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:49 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Hi and thanks for your feedbacks.
Even if they're not important points, it's nice to share them so I can try to improve the application which will profitable to all users.

1. The color of the current recorded track is blue you're right, however the default color of exported tracks and all other tracks from GPX/KML files should be purple. Did you try recently with last version?
Note that you can manually change the color of each tracks: browse your GPX file, long click on the track, then "Details" and then on the menu button (top - right), and "Edit metadata". Here you will be able to select a color for your track.
I know this is not tricky, this will be much easier in next version out in few days (I have improved the context menus).

2. This is true in the way that in 1.2 versions, the main menu was displayed by default, whereas in 1.3 versions it is hidden by default, so you have one more click to display it. But once the menu is displayed a first time, you will have just two clicks like before.
Again, I have improved this in next version, you will be able to click directly on the current location displayed on the map to toggle the lock or the rotation.

3. This is actually a bug of the 1.3.1 version. The current track should be updated at least every 15 seconds, which is not all the time the case. This will be fixed in next version.
Note that you can also activate the geolocation in addition of the tracking, so that you can get your current location more fast (this won't use extra battery since the GPS is used by the tracker anyway).

It seems that the next version should fix most of the problems you noticed, I hope you will enjoy it.
Best regards