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[closed] SDcard and Samsung Galaxy SIII phone
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:30 pm
by sgibbs
I cannot persuade Alpine Quest to recognise my SDcard: there is no Alpine Quest directory on it to download a map. I have tried giving it /mnt/sdcard/ but this has no effect and I suppose it is not recognized. Please can anybody advise?
Re: SDcard and Samsung Galaxy SIII phone
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:17 pm
by Psyberia-Support
You can manually specify the SD card path in AlpineQuest settings. Note that you have to restart AlpineQuest so that it takes the change into account.
Samsung devices have an internal memory under '/sdcard/'. The real SD card is located under '/sdcard/external_sd/' (or something equivalent depending on the device).
You may use the AlpineQuest maps explorer to locate your offline maps: click on the top address map to jump to another folder.
Let me know if you need more help.