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Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:01 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Skipped tiles are not errors. It's just tiles already available in your storage, so useless to re-download.
Concerning your errors, they are all 29 connection errors. It seems your Internet connection has problems.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:58 pm
by Guest
Hi again, my internet connection seems to work fine, i haven't noticed any problems.
In the store section, depending on the amount of zoom applied, the layers go from green to red, what does it mean?
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:11 pm
by Yemble
When the scale bar is green, it means that the number of tiles to be downloaded in the selected area is not greater than the internal limit. This limit was 5000 tiles per download, but has now been raised to 7500. When the scale bar is red, the number of tiles to be downloaded within the selected area is greater than the internal limit. So only the first 7500 tiles will be downloaded. To get all of the tiles, you need to perform the download a number of times for the same area, until none are downloaded. Note that this is a very tedious process when downloading a large map area with a low internal limit. I did the entire UK at 1:50K with the 5000 tile limit. This took MANY hours and gobbled up over 18Gb of SD storage
The mod mentioned earlier, lets you set the tile limit to whatever you like. I've not tried it yet, but I'll probably start at 30000 and work upwards.
My tip, based upon my experience with the UK download, would be to keep the download area in the green zone. I am pretty certain that there are some subtle bugs when you stray too far into the red (ref. my related thread in the bugs section). However, you can make the green zone far larger with this mod. A setting of 30000 let me confirm my tile downloads for the entire top of Scotland. This was not possible with the internal limit of 5000 tiles in the previous version of AQ.
I would be interested in knowing the maximum value for this mod... I'll keep raising mine.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:39 am
by Chris
So i tried the mod
I created a file named user_settings.conf withe the lign 'maps.features.areadownloader.max_queue_size=[30000]' in it. I tried with and without brackets. Placed the file here
Doesn't work. Still getting red slider after 7500 tiles.
Am i doing something wrong?
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:19 am
by Yemble
Chris wrote:So i tried the mod
I created a file named user_settings.conf withe the lign 'maps.features.areadownloader.max_queue_size=[30000]' in it. I tried with and without brackets. Placed the file here
Doesn't work. Still getting red slider after 7500 tiles.
Am i doing something wrong?
Chris, the mod definitely works and I have tested it up to 100000. The square brackets should not be included (maps.features.areadownloader.max_queue_size=100000)
Your installation path looks very odd to me, mine is /mnt/extSdCard/alpinequest, so maybe this has something to do with it, as AQ is obviously not picking the file up. I have a Galaxy S3 and a Galaxy Note 10.1, both of which have the same AQ installation path on microSD external storage.
I presume that you did restart AQ after modifying the settings file?
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:05 pm
by Guest
Yes restarted the app, but still not working. I'm running android 4.2.2 on a galaxy s3 lte.
Alpinequest seems to be installed on the internal sd, with the maps cache files stored on my external sd card. I tried putting the file in mnt/extSdCard/alpinequest, but still not working.... This is frustrating....
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:10 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Guest wrote:I tried putting the file in mnt/extSdCard/alpinequest, but still not working
Check the path of the cache folder, should be something like "/xxx/alpinequest/cache/...." (you can long-press a stored map, select "details" and have a look at the cache file path). Then you have to put the file in the folder "/xxx/alpinequest/". You must
not create that folder, it's created by AlpineQuest. Also, the file must be exactly named as "user_settings.conf".
Anyway, increasing the queue size won't fix your errors, which occurred because AlpineQuest failed to connect to the map server.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:33 am
by Chris
Ok, so it worked, i'm up to 100000 tiles now, but while downloading alpinequest crashes after a few minutes....
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:57 am
by Psyberia-Support
Yes, that's exactly why the initial limit has been introduce.
I recommend you to disable the custom limit size and get back to the standard settings.
After that, we can have a closer look at your issue if it still happen.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:05 am
by Yemble
Chris wrote:Ok, so it worked, i'm up to 100000 tiles now, but while downloading alpinequest crashes after a few minutes....
Are you using WiFi and is your WiFi connection solid? It is normal for AQ to fail some tiles, but this should not cause any crashes. I have performed a large number of downloads over the last couple of weeks without any software errors (although I believe that there is a subtle bug in there, somewhere).
The most likely cause would be either the remote map server, or your local storage card. All my testing has been with the OS-GB maps which, I believe, are ultimately delivered by Microsoft and as such, have plenty of server resource behind them. This may not be the case with other map sources.
If you can mount your storage card on Windows, then you could run CHKDSK on it to see if there is any file system corruption.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:15 am
by Psyberia-Support
100000 tiles is very large and requires a lot of memory, so my guess was an 'out of memory' crash, but you're right Yemble it can be something else... Depending on the device, less or more memory is allocated per application, so it can succeed on a device but crash on another one.
Moreover, the process will gather information as it progresses, so it was a good explanation of the crash occurring only after a delay.
Chris, did you have any information from Android after the crash?
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:16 am
by Chris
I'm using a 64gb sandisk class 10 microsd card (fat32) on a galaxy s3 lte.
I'm trying to download google satellite view with google street overlay.
Android doesn't give me any error, it just tells me "alpinequest stopped working"
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:19 am
by Chris
My wifi connection is very good.
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:02 pm
by Psyberia-Support
Thanks for the details.
Do you have an option after the crash to submit the crash log? Usually it comes with the ability to write a small message.
Also, it would be great is you could send me by email or attach the AlpineQuest log file ('/xxx/alpinequest/logs/alpinequest.log").
Thanks a lot
Re: Store Area Function - Practical Limits To Offline Maps?
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:31 pm
by Yemble
Chris wrote:I'm using a 64gb sandisk class 10 microsd card (fat32) on a galaxy s3 lte.
I'm trying to download google satellite view with google street overlay.
Android doesn't give me any error, it just tells me "alpinequest stopped working"
Chris, for info., I'm running on a Galaxy Note 10.1 (stock JB 4.1.2), using exactly the same micro-SD card, although mine is formatted exFAT. Hardware wise, I don't think that my Note is radically different from your S3 Lite, other than the CPU which is a higher spec. My Note has 16Gb on-board RAM.
I have happily run WiFi based tile downloads for several hours with the screen off, without ever encountering the type of error that you are experiencing.
I also have a Galaxy S3 (16Gb), again with a SanDisk 64Gb, but formatted FAT32. This is running CyanogenMod (JB 4.2.2), so it may not be a comparative test, but I am happy to try a large download on this device... I could do with a wider 1:50K off-line OS-GB coverage on my phone
Silly question, but I assume that your phone is configured not to terminate the WiFi connection when the screen turns off? Also, watch out for power management apps that can kill the radios when they switch profiles (GO Power Manager does this by default when you plug a power cable in).