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[done] Setting to prevent +/- zoom from autoloading maps?

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[done] Setting to prevent +/- zoom from autoloading maps?

Post by theksmith »

On AQ 2.0.8.R4024, I added the following user setting:


I expected it to prevent the +/- zoom btns from autoloading file based maps, but it does not. Should it? If not could you please change it so that it does or else add a new setting that can achieve this?

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Re: Setting to prevent +/- zoom from autoloading maps?

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Sorry for the lack of information... As this version is still in beta I haven't updated the user settings yet.
The correct setting to do what you want is:

Code: Select all

This one will prevent the zoom button to load another map.

The one you refer is used to disable the loading of a new map when you slide the map out of the current map area.

Let me know if you have any issue
Best regards
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