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[closed] Elevation data and dashboard stats vs Track data

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[closed] Elevation data and dashboard stats vs Track data

Post by Craggy »


I have noticed that there is a discrepency between the stats shown in the dashboard page and what is shown in the track list.

Ive done a bit of testing and this seems that this is because the dashboard stats can have certain attributes changed (namely elevation threshold and smoothing) but the stats shown on the track list are apparently derived from the default values and not the custom values.

In addition, the new ordering functionality is based on the stats on the track list and not the deashboard stats.

I find that 10m is slightly too aggressive for an elevation threshold so I have mine set to 5m. This also applies to the maximum elevation as wel as the gain/loss.

Anyway, all that aside, is it intentional that the stats shown on the track list and subsequently the track ordering, is calculated by your default values and not the global values set by the user?

As it is now, it leads to some slightly odd behaviour, where the ordering of the tracks do not appear to be correct because the smoothing and threshold has shaved quite a bit off the elevation gain/loss or total.

If i change my setting to the default, then all of the ordering works as expected.

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Re: Elevation data and dashboard stats vs Track data

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for your feedback.
Yes you're right the stats displayed in the track listing are a bit different from the one in the dashboard.

The reason is that the stats computed in the dashboard uses various techniques to reduce the GPS errors, and compute a lot of figures (gains, calories, speeds, etc) that require some time. For a single track, this time is short and affordable (max 1s), but when listing a folder of dozen of tracks, it's no more possible to compute them on the live. AQ stores few stats in the files at the write time, that may differ a little from the (live) ones computed when displaying the dashboard (especially if you update the stats settings).

But you're right that it can lead to odd behavior, I'll have a look at that and see if this process can be improved.
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Re: Elevation data and dashboard stats vs Track data

Post by Craggy »

I assumed that these were kind of seperately generated stats to speed things up, rather than having to do a full each time you display the list. It looks like rather than using the global settings to calculate these, you use settings.

This is understandable if people change their filter settings a lot but leads to problems if (like me) change and leave that way.

An easy fix would be an option somewhere, to set whether stats will be recalculated after a change to settings, or maybe just an option to force recalculate settings.

Like I say, it's not a issue, but the addition of these new filters, is something that is noticeable.

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Re: Elevation data and dashboard stats vs Track data

Post by Craggy »

*you use default settings
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