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[closed] AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

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[closed] AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Yemble »

Just having a look at the new AQ 1.4.3 which has some nice new features - I particularly like the Open With StreetView option.

I am trying the Store Area function over GPRS for a small area of the OSGB maps at all scales. The completion bar states "712/712 - 8 errors".

1) Does the 712 refer to the number of tiles?
2) Does the 8 errors mean that 8 tiles failed (initially) to download?
3) Does the 712/712 imply that the failed data has been automatically (and successfully) re-downloaded?

*** EDIT ***
OK, I think I've found the answer to (3), since I discovered some missing tiles when browsing the dowloaded area with W-Fi and GPRS disabled. So perhaps an option to retry the download of any failed tiles might be a good idea (or just do it automatically)?

This feature would be really useful for me on holiday in Ireland (ROI)... if only I could find some decent on-line topo maps !!! The iOS seem to be very precious about their maps :-(
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Re: AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for the feedback.

You have to understand it in the way that on a total of 712 image tiles, 8 failed to be downloaded, so 704 have been successfully downloaded (or were already available in the cache).
In other words the tile number of the progression also includes failed tiles.
So to answer your questions:
- 712 is the total number of tiles top proceed (including skipped, failed and downloaded tiles);
- 8 out of the 712 tiles failed to be downloaded and are still missing;
- failed tiles are not automatically re-downloaded (right now, but it could be a nice improvement).

You can select the approximative same area and restart the process to get (only) missing tiles.

Let me know is you find something unclear with the progress information, I guess that few things have to be changed from this first version...

Also, you can long-press a map progress and select "Details" to get more information about the process, including the name of the errors (the technical name...) and number of skipped tiles.

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Re: AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Yemble »

I had another go on a virgin part of the map, this time with WiFi enabled and no errors generated. I then disabled WiFi and GPRS and had a good look round the area at all map scales... seems to work perfectly :-)

One question I do have is with regard to the colour change from green to red on the scale bar when selecting the map area. Is this just a warning to indicate that you have crossed some threshold, if so, what is it (number of tiles, size of data, etc...)? Or, is this a physical restriction on what AQ will process in a single session?
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Re: AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Thanks for your feedback :)

Concerning the download limit, right now (version 1.4.3) it's limited to 5000 tile images per map. If you start the process with more that this number, only the first 5000 images will be downloaded (starting with small-scale levels). Images already available in the cache aren't counted.
This limit is arbitrary and has been set up because:
- it makes users to think about what's really necessary to cache (as explained here, storing areas must be used with care since it's consume a lot of server resources). Some servers limit what can be downloaded per user and per day, but others could simply ban the application (that's what happened few months ago with MOBAC);
- it limits the size of the queue, and avoid out of memory crashes that could happen for very large queues.

However it's likely to change (increase) in future versions based on feedbacks.
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Re: AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Yemble »

Thanks for the explanation. I figured that the bar turned red around the 5000 tile mark, but was curious about the significance of this. Maybe having a preference setting for this limit would a good idea - including "unlimited", for the foolhardy :-)

Re: AQ 1.4.3 - Download Errors Using New Store Area Function

Post by Aqm-S2 »

It works perfectly for just less than 5000 tiles using Google map and Wifi.
No error, just a little long and heavy : around 15min (3 threads) and 50Mb, if I remember well.

Very usefull now that I came back from unlimited data to pay data per volume !

Thank you
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