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[closed] GPX editor

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[closed] GPX editor

Post by inode »

Hi all,

I would be very useful a way to edit the gpx files (for example the saved ones) with the ability to delete a single way point or move it. It's useful when the gps give errors etc.

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Re: GPX editor

Post by Psyberia-Support »

You can already do this (since a long time actually).
Long click on GPX tracks, segments or routes and select 'Browse' to list all waypoints.
Long click on waypoints to rename, edit, cut, copy or delete them. Once a waypoint is copied, long click on another one and select 'insert here' to move it in a list.
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Re: [closed] GPX editor

Post by inode »

Have the possibility to remove, cut etc multiple waypoint is needed... If you have to remove 150 point it's impossible to do it on alpinequest.

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Re: [closed] GPX editor

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Yes you're right.
Maybe a first feature would be to be able to split a track/route at some point, so it would then be possible to easily remove a complete part. This could be done quite easily.
The multiple item edition will ask much more work (including UI changes), so I'm not sure to be able to do it quite soon.
If you need to make deep edition of a GPX file, you'd better find a PC editor, I'm sure some are free, and it would be much efficient.
Let me know what you think about this first feature.
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