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[closed] SDCard Support on galaxy tab 7.7

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[closed] SDCard Support on galaxy tab 7.7

Post by Guest »


sdcard support seams not to be implemented correctly (1.2.15) to work under honeycomb (3.2).

I am using a Samsung galaxy 7.7 device where a physical(!) sdcard is supported (and available)

although alpinequest (per default) has an application directory configured as (/sdcard) this is NOT the location of the real physical card
which is mounted here /mnt/sdcard/extStorages/SdCard !

changing the directory settings to this path ends up in an error (after restart) pointing out that "a sdcard is not available"....
this seems to be due to missing permissions (WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE)

here is some background information:

quoted from ( ... msung.html):

Google had for some reason since Honeycomb 3.2 decided to split the write permissions for the internal memory (the path of which is confusingly named /mnt/sdcard) and external SD card memory (the path being /mnt/sdcard/extStorages/SdCard) into WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE respectively.
before Honeycomb 3.2, apps only had to request for the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and they would have write access to both the internal and external so-called "sdcard" sets of memory. Now, apps have to request for WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE if they want to write to the external SD card, but many of them have not yet been updated to do so yet. This affects file managers / explorer / compression utility type apps most often because users would tend to use them to copy / move / zip files within the file system

on this page there is also a script available which modifies filesystem permission for samsung tab 7.7 users.

patching my system & switching the application directory to /mnt/sdcard/extStorages/SdCard/ seems to do the trick... ( still not fully tested)
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Re: SDCard Support on galaxy tab 7.7

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and thanks for this information.
I never heard about such permission and made some search on the official development site and didn't find anything about it.
AlpineQuest is currently being developed using the Android 4.0.3 SDK, and there is no WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE permission available.
The complete list of permissions is available here, there is no WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE.
I will make further research and let you know,
Best regards
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