Just wanted to let people know that, as with Ordnance Survey in UK, you can register for a free API key with IGN in France (L’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière) and get personal access to really good rasterised vector mapping of French territory at both 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 scales (the latter similar to the Série Bleue TOP25 paper maps).
The licence for a "Profil Particulier" is renewable annually, but grants "usage gratuit" for "CONSOMMATION MAXIMALE AUTORISÉE (SERVICES WEB): Illimité" and "CONSOMMATION MAXIMALE AUTORISÉE (TÉLÉCHARGEMENT): Illimité" and, by extension, there doesn't appear to be any restriction on caching, despite some generalised suggestions that there may have been in the past.
The attached AQX file will install what is directly available for free as two custom maps.
To install it in AlpineQuest, you first have to obtain a personal API key from https://geoservices.ign.fr/ and edit the file to substitute the text REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY in the obvious way.
After doing that, put the file somewhere that AlpineQuest can read it eg. your Downloads folder, and select it for installation using the same procedure as a file-based map. It will be copied to the correct application folder and is then no longer needed.
Getting the API key is marginally more involved than with the OS but is still very straightforward.
1. Create an account, choosing:
- Profil: Particulier - Je suis un particulier, client pour mon usage privé
- Usage: Accéder à toute l'offre du site
You need to give name and address, but not down to street number.
2. Select "Mes clés de services web" from the "MON ESPACE" menu at top right.
3. Click the "CRÉER UNE CLÉ" button (which doesn't work if you have an ad blocker on)
and select "Licence XXXXX - Usages Gratuits des SCAN 25/100/OACI" from the "Sélectionner" drop-down menu.
NB: Do be aware that this applies specifically to Usage final professionnel ou associatif des données SCAN 25®, SCAN 100® et SCAN OACI.
4. Click the "VALIDER" button.
5. Just copy the key: no further settings are needed. It's valid for a year, after which it will need to be extended.
Your personal IGN account can also be used to download offline maps from https://geoservices.ign.fr/telechargement
Hope that's useful!
This is what's in the AQX file:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<aqx version="9">
<name>France IGN SCAN Vector Maps Personal</name>
<description>© IGN · www.geoservices.ign.fr</description>
<!--This AQX custom map file needs to go in the /Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/datastore/custom-maps/ folder. Android can make that difficult, but if you just add it like you would a file-based map, from within the app, AlpineQuest will take care of placement itself, prepending USR. to the filename.-->
<param name="my-free-IGN-api-clef">REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY</param>
<!--The above *free* personal API key needs to be obtained from https://geoservices.ign.fr/ -->
<source id="IGNSCAN25TOUR" type="topo">
<name>IGN SCAN25 Tourist 1:25K</name>
<copyright>IGN Geoportail</copyright>
<zoom-levels z="6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16">
<expression set="proj_scale"><![CDATA[valueAt(z,5.590822640287179E8,2.795411320143589E8,1.397705660071794E8,6.988528300358972E7,3.494264150179486E7,1.747132075089743E7,8735660.375448715,4367830.1877243575,2183915.0938621787,1091957.5469310887,545978.7734655447,272989.3867327723,136494.69336638617,68247.34668319307,34123.67334159654,17061.83667079827,8530.918335399136,4265.459167699568,2132.729583849784,1066.3647919248917,533.1823959624461,266.5911979812229)]]></expression>
<source id="IGNWMSSCAN100" type="topo">
<name>IGN SCAN100 Overview 1:100K</name>
<copyright>IGN Geoportail</copyright>
<zoom-levels z="3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17">