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France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

It's all about maps...

France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by RambleJoy »

I hope it's not a 'faux pas' to post in English: it's quicker for me [it took a while to get WMS working...] and may be more searchable. (Or I may be irredeemably lazy... :? )

Just wanted to let people know that, as with Ordnance Survey in UK, you can register for a free API key with IGN in France (L’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière) and get personal access to really good rasterised vector mapping of French territory at both 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 scales (the latter similar to the Série Bleue TOP25 paper maps).

The licence for a "Profil Particulier" is renewable annually, but grants "usage gratuit" for "CONSOMMATION MAXIMALE AUTORISÉE (SERVICES WEB): Illimité" and "CONSOMMATION MAXIMALE AUTORISÉE (TÉLÉCHARGEMENT): Illimité" and, by extension, there doesn't appear to be any restriction on caching, despite some generalised suggestions that there may have been in the past.

The attached AQX file will install what is directly available for free as two custom maps.

To install it in AlpineQuest, you first have to obtain a personal API key from and edit the file to substitute the text REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY in the obvious way.

After doing that, put the file somewhere that AlpineQuest can read it eg. your Downloads folder, and select it for installation using the same procedure as a file-based map. It will be copied to the correct application folder and is then no longer needed.

Getting the API key is marginally more involved than with the OS but is still very straightforward.

1. Create an account, choosing:
- Profil: Particulier - Je suis un particulier, client pour mon usage privé
- Usage: Accéder à toute l'offre du site

You need to give name and address, but not down to street number.

2. Select "Mes clés de services web" from the "MON ESPACE" menu at top right.

3. Click the "CRÉER UNE CLÉ" button (which doesn't work if you have an ad blocker on)
and select "Licence XXXXX - Usages Gratuits des SCAN 25/100/OACI" from the "Sélectionner" drop-down menu.
NB: Do be aware that this applies specifically to Usage final professionnel ou associatif des données SCAN 25®, SCAN 100® et SCAN OACI.

4. Click the "VALIDER" button.

5. Just copy the key: no further settings are needed. It's valid for a year, after which it will need to be extended.

Your personal IGN account can also be used to download offline maps from

Hope that's useful!

This is what's in the AQX file:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<aqx version="9">

	<name>France IGN SCAN Vector Maps Personal</name>
	<description>© IGN ·</description>
	<!--This AQX custom map file needs to go in the /Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/datastore/custom-maps/ folder. Android can make that difficult, but if you just add it like you would a file-based map, from within the app, AlpineQuest will take care of placement itself, prepending USR. to the filename.-->
	<param name="my-free-IGN-api-clef">REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY</param>
	<!--The above *free* personal API key needs to be obtained from -->

	<source id="IGNSCAN25TOUR" type="topo">
		<name>IGN SCAN25 Tourist 1:25K</name>
		<copyright>IGN Geoportail</copyright>
		<zoom-levels z="6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16">
			<expression set="proj_scale"><![CDATA[valueAt(z,5.590822640287179E8,2.795411320143589E8,1.397705660071794E8,6.988528300358972E7,3.494264150179486E7,1.747132075089743E7,8735660.375448715,4367830.1877243575,2183915.0938621787,1091957.5469310887,545978.7734655447,272989.3867327723,136494.69336638617,68247.34668319307,34123.67334159654,17061.83667079827,8530.918335399136,4265.459167699568,2132.729583849784,1066.3647919248917,533.1823959624461,266.5911979812229)]]></expression>
	<source id="IGNWMSSCAN100" type="topo">
		<name>IGN SCAN100 Overview 1:100K</name>
		<copyright>IGN Geoportail</copyright>
		<zoom-levels z="3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17">


French SCAN 25/100 Topographical Maps from IGN for Personal Use Only
(2.84 KiB) Downloaded 2319 times

Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by RambleJoy »

I should probably point out more clearly that these are instructions for getting any IGN key to work in AlpineQuest as a tool of choice.

Various different agreements are available, and you are responsible for keeping to the terms of whatever specific agreement you may enter into with IGN. They can always revoke your key if you don't. AQ Pro is a pro mapping tool like any other and has a wide range of very helpful capabilities.

The maps referred to above aren't open data: a licence has been made available free of charge for the time being as a part of France's pandemic recovery economic measures in order to facilitate the professional exploration of ways to put the data to productive use. Which would, obviously, be a good thing for someone to get involved in figuring out.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Thank you again for this information!
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by pierrelm »

Thank you for your very good application.

I use offlinemaps (for now without purchase), I created the aqx file as shown. I have a big doubt about the option I have to buy in this app to be able to open a local file, in particular, this aqx file for IGN
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi Pierre,
The tutorial is made for the AlpineQuest app, but I think it will also work of OfflineMaps without purchases.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Bertrand »

Hi All,

Thanks for your explanation.

After getting the key from the Geoportail and after dowloading the .aqx file I have opened it with my notepad.
I have replaced the text >REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY< with my geoportail key and saved.

When I open this file in my phone, it opens AlpineQuest and loads correctly the maps file "IGN SCAN25 Tourisrt 1:25K" and "IGN SCAN100 Overview 1:100K"
but after checking out the maps I have no map loaded : Only the light grey background with "[bad code: 403 - Forbidden]"

Do you know if the process still works or if I did a mistake ?

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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi Bertrand,
There may be a small delay between your key creation and the time it can be used.
Please also check that you've correctly written the key, and that you've re-imported the modified AQX file with the correct key.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by JeanMarc57 »

I get the SSLHandshakeException error with this script and my new identifier.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Jean-Marc, replace all "<level>" tags by "<level insecure="true">".
More details here
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by fredchal »

Je suis en difficulté également a nouveau
Je ne vois pas de balises <level> dans le fichier Aqx proposé pour modifications (avec ajout de la cle IGN).
Faut il prendre un autre fichier ?
Merci d'avance
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Vous avez peut-être <zoom-levels> ou <zoom-level> à la place.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by fredchal »

Effectivement, c'est bien ça.
Du coup, comment dois je effectuer le remplacement ?
Dois je garder le mot "Zoom",...
Merci pour votre aide.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Oui oui remplacer par "<zoom-levels insecure="true">"
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by fredchal »

Merci beaucoup.
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Re: France IGN Licensed Data FREE Topo Maps

Post by pierrelm »

J'ajoute que les clés géoservices ont une date d'expiration. J'ai eu des erreurs 403 dans l'app pile un an après l'activation de ma clé (j'ai aussi reçu un mail intitulé "Renouvellement des quotas de consommation de votre licence"). Dans ce cas, allez sur la page , éditer la clé, modifier la date de fin dans la rubrique Activation et validez. Les tuiles ont pu de nouveau être téléchargées.
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