I have a question and perhaps a suggestion if the answer to the question is "yes".
There is an ability to change providers for sharing through the user settings file:
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URL of a mapping website to use in the “Share” action text message.
The following variables are available:
{$zoom} (current zoom level of the map),
{$name} (name of the shared point if any),
{$date} (formatted record date of the point if any),
{$date_time} (formatted record date and time of the point if any),
{$time_ms} (record unix timestamp in milliseconds of the point if any),
{$time_s} (record unix timestamp in seconds of the point if any),
{$olc} (coordinates encoded in the Open Location Code format),
{$geohash} (coordinates encoded in the Geohash format),
{$maidenhead} (coordinates encoded in the Maidenhead Locator System format).
The default URL is “https://google.com/maps/place/{$latitude},{$longitude}”.
To display an OpenStreetMap URL, use “https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map={$zoom}/{$latitude}/{$longitude}”
for Yandex Maps (less details) use “https://yandex.ru/maps/?ll={$longitude},{$latitude}&z={$zoom}&pt={$longitude},{$latitude}”
for Yandex Maps (more details) use “https://yandex.ru/maps/?ll={$longitude}%2C{$latitude}&z=15&mode=whatshere&whatshere%5Bpoint%5D={$longitude}%2C{$latitude}&whatshere%5Bzoom%5D=15”,
for Here Maps use “https://wego.here.com/?map={$latitude},{$longitude},{$zoom}”.
It seems to me that it would be more convenient to make these and other possible settings regular.
Do you think it is time to make these values regular?