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workspaces disapear and functionality

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workspaces disapear and functionality

Post by rl101 »

Hi, I am now certain that workspaces vanish on their own. Last year I decided to back them up so I can recopy them when they vanish and I need them.
Landmarks also vanish.

The other thing that is not intuitive to me is that landmarks appear to be saved globally as opposed to within workspaces. I would think that when I pick a workspace, that I would have the placemarks stored within the workspace but that does not appear to be the case. Instead, I see all of the placemarks that I have, regardless of the workspace. Not the end of the world but don't see the point of having my England placemarks showing on my Canadian cross country skying workspace.
I can live with this but it would be easier if they were stored in the workspace since when I have to restore it from my backup I would only have to copy a folder as opposed to also copy the landmarks.

I have created myself notes so every 6 months when I need to switch workspace, I remember what I have to do to recreate them along with the placemarks from my backups.
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Re: workspaces disapear and functionality

Post by Psyberia-Support »

Hi and sorry for the troubles.

As I always say, the application does never delete any data by itself. If you see that some items (maps, placemarks, etc) are deleted, you've to check your device cleaner/optimizer tool and set it up correctly (either builtin or installed manually). For example, the built-in cleaner tool in newer Samsung devices have been reported to delete stored maps depending on the storage folder you use. You can check the application storage folder in the app settings, under "Storage device". There are warning messages displayed depending on your device.

Concerning the placemarks that are shared between workspace, this is the current normal behavior, as explained here (under items common to all workspaces):
But it should change in the future, I also think displayed placemarks should be as per workspace.

Hope it helps
Best regards
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